Funk for the Robotic Soul
What’s going on world? With the dance scene blowing up tremendously within the past couple of years, it’s almost impossible to overlook any kind of dance movie, contest, tv show, and etc that’s marketing the art form. Here’s the thing though. A lot of the styles u see being performed at top notched levels have a root connection to what I call the best dance created better known as poppin aka pop lockin. Now for my older generation out there u probably thinking yeah, “Yeah we did that back in the day,” or , “Man that dance is played out.” And for the younger generation u probably don’t even know what I’m talking about and if u ever seen it before. Well the truth is this no this dance is not played out and yes u have seen it before. EVERYWHERE ACTUALLY. For example look at Ginuwine’s “So Anxious” and “Aint None Of Ur Friends Business” videos. The dance break sections in those videos displayed some poppin with fluid arm movements and the sudden robotic stops. Still confused? Better yet let’s take the late great Michael Jackson(RIP).Most of his stage performances contained a lot of poppin sequences with the slides and floats on his feet and the mime movements inspired my Marcel Marceau. These examples are NOT the ONLY elements of this dance as there is plenty of footage worldwide to dig through. However I like to use those examples as common footage that most of you have already seen before.
Bottom line is this. I honestly feel like poppin aka pop lockin doesn’t get the credit it deserves in the media for what it truly is. And this is why I created this site. If there’s anything u want to find out about the dance rather it be history, tutorials, videos, and etc, it’s all here. Some of u might be highly skilled with the dance and just want a website to visit that’s just geared toward the poppin community. Or u might be a newbie to the poppin game and u want to learn as much as possible from this incredible dance. Whatever the reason may be for your viewing of this website, knowledge of this dance is the foundation of the material that u are viewing. This site is also geared towards sharing your ideas and experiences with the dance. Lots of people would love to just have insight on poppin and their interpretation on the dance but don’t have a source to refer too. By no means am I a pop lockin God of any sort but this site contains loads of knowledge that is vital and it is my pleasure to share it with u. The site is completely free and enjoy the dance as it evolves constantly….
I'm your host better known as GT SanDiego.This is a video of me poppin.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Jeffrey Daniel:Urban Genius

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Battle Tactics and Respect
1.Take your time!!The main thing I see in battles is hype energy.To much of it will make you rush and be off beat.Plus your stamina will go down faster.when poppin on beat and taking your time,your moves look 10 times cleaner compared to rushing.Show your opponent that you are in control and smooth with it.dancing fast and being off beat is not cool at all which leads me to tactic #2.
2.Stay on beat.I cannot stress this enough.Rather if u are being judged by an audience or a panel of professional judges,being on beat is a MUST!!!No matter what the song is and how fast the tempo is,ride that beat like it's on cruise control.U can have a thousand moves but if you are not on beat your whole time in the battle is pointless!
3.Don't show all your moves in one round.This is major sign of weakness.Let's say you are confident that u are winning the first round.You basically showed all your best moves and you are on fire.Ok that's well and fine but what if your opponent suprises you in the second round.What will you have to show for round 2 when your opponent brings out some of their good moves.If you don't have any moves left then 9 times out of 10 you are gonna repeat what you did in round 1.The point is spread your moves out through each round.Another thing is that your audience will get bored looking at you.This strategy helps especially when u are battling somebody that is very skilled.
4.Wear clothes that fit.I know this may sound irrelevant or funny but it plays a big role with your moves.If u like to wear big clothes I highly suggest to make an exception when u pop.See waist moves and upper body moves are best shown when u wear clothes that fit.Imagine if u were wearing a baggy shirt while u pop.In your mind your technique could be flawless but nobody will see it because your xxl size shirt is hiding all your moves.
5.Don't Think.As the late great Michael Jackson said about dancing"Thinking is the biggest mistake a dancer can make,you have to feel."This is so true especially for battling.When you think throughout a battle,you give your opponent the impression that you are nervous.Just feel the music and stay on beat.So many dancers try to battle with thinking of moves before they even dance period!!If you are skilled enough feeling the music should automatically hit your soul as a dancer.
Now that I have gone over tactics,lets talk about battle respect.A lot of times respect is determined with basically the winner and the loser.The concept of a battle can make or break ego's.Lets take a look shall we?
This a poppin battle that took place in Atlanta back in 2004.Do you notice something wrong here?Well I do.Aparently the guy with the blue on got mad and threw a tantrum. This is often done when personal feelings get involved.Which leads me to the first point about battle respect.
1.Control your anger.This is a life lesson in general but can prove your overall composure in a battle.A lot of times dancers will get mad if they are losing a battle.This kind of outtake is a sore loser mentality and will not help you win.After all the better DANCER wins the battle not the better trash talker.If you get frustrated then that goes to show that you are not battle material.Nobody wants to see you whine and complain when you are supposed to be getting down.
2.Don't talk just dance. You have certain dancers that will serve as their own commentary before and during a battle.For example, before a battle you're going on and on about what move u can do and how skilled you are.Then when the battle starts you act as if you are teaching by talking about each move u do while u do it.This a major sign of being cocky.Yes think highly of your dance ability but as I like to put it,"Just shut up and dance!!"Nobody wants to hear how great your dance ability is especially if you can't prove it.Besides let your moves do all the talking.
3.Hang in there.There will be times when you battle somebody that is more skilled than you.Now if it is pre-determined that you know you are going to lose then still battle anyway.As a matter of fact give it all you got.You never know what the outcome might be really.By doing this you are earning respect because you are not willing to give up.There's been times where I would battle someone more skilled than me,but I would get mad respect even if I lose.Think about it this way.What are you really risking?Losing helps u become a better dancer.Think it about it!
4.Wait your turn!!As your kindergarden teacher used to say."Wait Your turn!"What do I mean by that with battling.Easy!!Don't interupt your opponent's turn when you wanna dance.You wouldn't want your opponent to do the same to you.Besides you don't wanna cause confusion with the battle.One thing I see with battles is that you got both dancers dancing at the same time trying to out do each other with a move.That's a big no no.It's a major turn off judging wise and you are not focusing on your own feel with the music.
5.Shake Hands.As with any competition or sport,out of respect shake your opponents hand.Its a declaration of win or lose unity.Enough said.
Those are the key elements with battle tactics and respect.Take high consideration of each as you grow as a dancer.Or if you don't dance at all,it is something good to know for if you watch a battle.Either way it goes for any of you, the battle itself is the common variable.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Part 1 of video blog:"History Of Popping
As you can see from part one the dance was more underground than anything in its beginning stages.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
What is Poppin?
Ok this blog post is the meat and potatoes for the newbies that don’t have a clue on what this dance is about. Poppin is basically a dance where the muscles are contracting and relaxing to the beat of the music. With this technique with the muscles, the outcome is a jerky illusion effect. The dance itself, if done correctly, is intended to come off as a funky robot dancer to the audience. It’s earliest origins derive from the robot, mime, and a dance called locking. It is often commonly called pop lockin as more of a familiar slang term that started in the 70’s. Poppin’s base location in which it was born is California. To be more specific, Its roots date all the way back to the late 60’s out of the northern California area(bay area), in areas such as San Francisco, Oakland, and Richmond. Now as u are reading this section the overall term known as “poppin” was not originally the term for the dance in the Bay area. See different areas in the bay called it different names and it wasn’t labeled as the term “poppin” until 1976. Pre-dating 1976, the dance was known as boogaloo, robot, and strut which were the main names that came straight from the Bay. In relation to those names they were different variations of the dance but all had the same effect. Fact is that when money and politics got involved, the dance was coined the name “poppin” by a dancer named Sam Soloman aka Boogaloo Sam. Sam is from Fresno, Ca but moved to long beach in 1978. There is a lot of controversial confusion with Boogaloo Sam being the creator of this dance. He is mainly responsible for innovating the dance and taking it to new levels with his VERSION of what was already being done in the Bay. He is also responsible for the being the first to call the dance “poppin.” However he did not create the dance and that’s where the controversy began to surface across the culture. The starting point of the controversy began as Sam started his first group known as the Electronic Boogaloo Lockers. The name was later on shortened as “Electric Boogaloos” when Sam and the group made their debut on the hit tv show “Soul Train.” The year was 1978 and the history of dance coming from bay area in the late 1960’s was pretty much non existent due to Sam’s success with the Electric Boogaloos.
There are many different sub styles of poppin that took affect in the late 70’s going into the early 80’s.Styles such as waving, animation, tuttin, scarecrow, and strobing are just to name a few. Sam’s success with the eb’s(Electric Boogaloos) began to die down after the explosion of break dancing in New York. New York started dominating the scene when they came up with their version of poppin better known as “electric boogie.” The name itself is like I said THEIR version of poppin. Under the direction of marketing electric boogie, the east coast decided to coin it under break dancing to make money. The thought of it sounded clever as it did reach the mainstream more but overall demolished the dance in years to come later. Poppin was now seen in movies, commercials, and music videos. Movies such as “Breakin,” “Breakin 2,” and “Beat Street” became popular in 1984 amongst households. Dancers such as Boogaloo Shrimp, Poppin Pete, Skeeter Rabbit, Cooley Jaxson, Poppin Taco and Shabba Doo were the big names from Cali that represented that era in poppin. As the success with mainstream attention began to take poppin to new heights, it died down quickly in the late 80’s going into the early 90’s.
For a while poppin was pretty much played out going into the 90’s. It was shown on tv rarely and soul train pretty much moved on to the next big dance at that time. Many of the OG’s had regular 9 to 5 jobs as opposed to living a flashy celebrity lifestyle. It even got to the point where if u were caught poppin somewhere u would get clowned. A drastic downfall indeed but Sam decided to do something about it. In the late 90’s Sam and the EB’s made the ultimate attempt to revive poppin by re-introducing the dance to the world. It was a huge task to take on but it didn’t go un-noticed. With the revival, EB’s member, Poppin Pete, put poppin and lockin under a new term called funk styles in 2000. The term itself is supposed to describe the dances being put in the genre of funk era music instead of hip hop. Pete felt it was necessary to do due to the confusion New York caused with break dancing and poppin being in under the same category. The idea of it was clear cut and dry but it also falsely re-introduced the eb’s as the primary poppin source and therefore not acknowledging the bay area. In addition to that, it was a method for the EB’s to make money off the dance. Poppin now remains predominately underground but it has slowly reached it tv again. Poppin has spread across the world especially in target areas such as Japan, Canada, Sweden, France, and Korea. Its revival has reached tv programs such as MTV’s Americas Best Dance Crew and So You Think You Can Dance. Even theaters are showing poppin in movies again. This may sound like the ultimate comeback for the dance, but it’s true roots still remain underground as the Bay created it.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Poppin in the 80's
Back in the late 70's going into the early 80's,most breakers would learn how to pop from watching soul train.By 1983,they would eventually learn the dance from it's birth state in california as west coast OG's would travel to NY.Dancers such as Shabba Doo,Boogaloo Shrimp,Suga Pop,Poppin Pete,and Skeeter Rabbit would travel from Cali to spread knowledge about poppin in exchange for NY knowledge about Breakin.After the colaboration of knowledge between both regions, NY took their half and blew up with emergence of hip hop music.So basically you had Breakers from NY that would get exposure in Hip Hop videos for both dances.Commercials were coming out where u would see poppers dressed up like they are from New York.Lionel Ritchie's video "All Night Long"featured west coast poppers and happened around the same time NY learned how to pop.Another highlight in 83 was Michael Jackson's perfomance of the moonwalk on the Motown 25 anniversary special.
By 1984,the movies "Breakin"and "Beat Street"were released.Beat Street was based out the NY while Breakin was based out of Cali.The movies put an extreme impact on street dancing and had viewers excited.There were tours following up the promotion of these movies which hit worldwide success.Now u had every household poppin and breakin.And with the marketing of New York's version of poppin called "Electric Boogie,"it was still considered breakdancing.Around this time poppin on the west coast still had its share of mainstream success but not as much as NY.Now u see why poppin is often listed as breakdancing,
Poppin died down in the late 80's.It got to the point that if u got poppin somewhere, u would get clowned!!It's commercial success became an damaging aspect of the dance.To many people took it as just a fad and not an actual culture.A lot of the OG's began to see this and started working regular 9 to 5 jobs.In my opinion, the stratgies of marketing poppin were pretty clever but not genuine enough to truly recognize the dance for it's influence on street dance culture.I mean think about it.You had a whole state marketing this dance under the wrong name first.Due to mainstream hype in the 80's,I bet most of you never heard of west coast OG's like Skeeter Rabbit and Boogaloo Dana.Quite a few dancers in the 80's got false credit for creating poppin when all they did was innovate it.The 80's had its success with the dance which is a highlight to most people of today that experienced that era.However poppin was marketed wrongly as being called breakdancing in that era.
Friday, August 21, 2009
My introduction...
Growing up as a dancer,I remember the first talent show I performed in back in elementary school. It was 1996 and I danced to Michael Jackson’s “Bad.” I had a friend that was supposed to perform beside me that day but he choked throughout the whole performance. I didn’t win the talent show but I did win the respect amongst my peers that night. That same respect followed me as my dancing evolved over time. Back then local trendy dances would come and go but I was still dancing like MJ no matter which dance came out. I wanted to be just like him and was eager to prove it at any given day. When I attended middle school, it was a totally brand new environment to take on. I would actually get picked on because of the way I danced around that time. Girls looked at me funny and didn’t want to go out with me because my dancing turned me into an outcast. However that suddenly changed when I made it to the 8th grade in 1999.
As I entered 8th grade I made a couple of friends. They never knew I danced because I kept it a secret from being picked on so much. Until one night where it changed the rest of my life and made me into the dancer that I am today. This particular night I was spending the night at my homie’s house. His little brother, him, and myself were acting a fool the whole night with no adult supervision. So we decided hey let’s listen to some music and turn it up loud. We cut some music on and started getting off and jammed the
whole night. My homie then cuts on this one song by Ice-T. I forgot the name of it but I went crazy when I heard the beat. I started doing some poppin moves that I saw mj doing on stage and my homie was in shock. He was like “dawg I didn’t know u knew how to tick!!”. And I was like know how to what lol?? My homie found out about my talent and was telling everybody at school that following Monday. As my rep around school began to blow up, unfortunately I had to transfer to another school due to moving.
I got picked on a lot at the new school I attended which was nothing new to me anyway. Mainly it was because of how I dance with it being so similar to MJ and not like everybody else. My first battle was against a dude named Gerald. For some reason everybody wanted me to battle him as soon as they found out I knew how to dance. That was the first and maybe my shortest battle. It didn’t last long because I got laughed at. I heard remarks like, “shawty u can’t tick” and “u look like a 1975 robot!!” All the dissing from that day forward just motivated me to practice. I eventually battled Gerald again and I won!!
Throughout High School I started doing more talent shows and my poppin was getting better and better. I studied movies such as breakin, breakin 2, and beat street. Over time I learned that what we call “tickin” in atl was really called “poppin”or “pop lockin.” My college days of poppin began the start of my reputation as a dancer in the city. I was battling anybody that wanted to get it or any popper that heard of me locally. It got to the point that I loved the dance so much that I wanted to do my homework and find out about it’s history. In 2005 I found out about the Electric Boogaloos, a poppin group based out of Fresno, Ca. I obtained a lot of info from learning their history behind the game as well as other poppin crews such as Black Resurgence, The Mysterious Poppers, Medea Sirkas, G-Style, and Blue City Strutters just to name a few. I ended up putting a crew together along with some friends that pop as well and we are known as Down South Boogaloo Brothas(DSBB for short).We been dancing together as a crew for 2 years now. Our group is based out of atl of course and we are proud to have the identity that we worked hard for.
That’s my little bio and I hope yall enjoyed my adventure lol. There is still more years to come with this journey an every second of it is worth it because of my love for poppin Now this is just my opinion but I believe poppin and lockin are the best dances ever created. I have evolved incredibly with both dances and I continue to practice on a day to day basis. With that being said here is my introduction video of me dancing.This is a recent video of me doing a michael jackson performance.He really is the reason I started dancing and I hope you all enjoy.Oh Btw I incoporated just a little bit of poppin in this video.